American adults have or have had chronic pain
American adults have or have had high-impact chronic pain
What is National Pain Awareness Month?
National Pain Awareness Month was established in 2001 by numerous organizations working together in conjunction with the American Chronic Pain Association. During this month, pain specialists from throughout the nation get together to raise awareness of issues related to chronic pain. Pain Awareness Month aims to increase public understanding of how pain impacts individuals, families, communities, and the country as a whole and to support efforts to address pain at the national level.
Patients with chronic pain often have a difficult time performing daily activities such as working, maintaining a social life, and caring for themselves or others. Chronic pain is sometimes invisible to others making it difficult to express or “show” the suffering. As a result, people who have chronic pain may feel isolated.
Chronic pain can be caused by a multitude of factors. One instance is an old injury that someone is healed from, yet the pain persists. Another instance could be a persistent source of discomforts, such as cancer or arthritis. Many people have chronic pain without any prior injuries or signs of sickness.
With National Pain Awareness Month, a deeper understanding of pain, what causes it, and how it affects those suffering will lead to many important changes in not only how chronic pain is viewed but what is done to treat it.
Why National Pain Awareness Month is Important?
- It aids in fundraising:
One of the goals of Pain Awareness Month is to raise money for research into methods of pain management and treatment. Consider what we can do on this day to assist with fundraising, such as volunteering.
- It helps raise awareness:
The necessity of healthy living and medical checkups is made more widely known during national pain awareness month. Make sure your family members receive frequent medical attention.
- It supports individuals who are impacted by chronic pain:
People who have chronic pain realize they are not alone and that a large community understands and supports them as more people open out about their experiences.
How Pharmacies Can Participate in National Pain Awareness Month
Below are several steps that pharmacies can take to increase their participation in Pain Awareness Month:
1) Spread the Word on Social Media

Not sure where to start with social media? Our digital marketing experts are here to help?
2) Host an Event or Fundraiser

3) Offer Free Promotions & Discount

4) Gain State Recognition

5) Collaborate With a Partner

In Conclusion
While National Pain Awareness Month is a great opportunity to educate you patients and even your team on managing chronic pain, it is important to advocate for your chronic pain patients year-round. Therefore, your should continue to promote medication adherence and maintain consistent communication with your patients dealing with chronic pain. To help you efficiently engage with patients, we offer a variety of digital tools such two-way messaging, and automated outbound calling that will allow your team to communicate better, while not taking time away from other clinical tasks. Want to learn more? Request a free demo today!