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  3. Facebook Advertising: Best Practices for Pharmacies

Facebook Advertising: Best Practices for Pharmacies

Last updated Jul 19, 2022 | Pharmacy Marketing

If you are looking to use Facebook advertising in your marketing strategy, you need to know a few rules, because of the strict ad policies. Read more here.

To ensure that your ads are not flagged and your account is not disabled, keep the following in mind.

What Not to Do

Creating and running ads for the following violates Facebook’s ad policy and will result in, at a minimum, your ad being flagged:

  • CBD or hemp oil
  • Erectile dysfunction/sexual enhancement drugs
  • Specific medication names (This includes brands and generic names.)
  • Specific medical conditions (diabetes, cancer, etc.)
  • Pictures of needles
  • Text-heavy photos (This prevents Facebook from properly reviewing your ad.)

Note that these recommendations are for ads ONLY and not for Facebook posts that you post yourself on your pharmacy business page.

Facebook ads are different from the posts on your pharmacy business page. Your target audience sees these ads in their Facebook feeds. The ads do not post to your pharmacy’s Facebook wall.

Creating Great Facebook Ads

Now that you know what not to do, here is what you can do to ensure that your ads are optimized to receive high engagement:

  • Create brand awareness and highlight the services you offer, such as delivery.
  • Include a personalized photo (no stock photos).
  • Have a clear call to action, such as “Transfer your prescriptions today.”
  • Depending on the size of your city, pick an optimal mile radius. For example, in New York City, your mile radius could be around one mile. In a small town in Texas, the mile radius may be 10 miles.
  • Have an easy and reliable way to track and analyze your results so you can adjust your social media advertising strategy accordingly.
  • Advertise any special events that you offer at your store to inform the community about the happenings at their favorite local pharmacy

Check out some examples below:

Facebook ad example Facebook ad example

Not sure where to start? We have you covered. For help launching your digital marketing strategy, give us a call at 877-959-7550 or email us at connect@digitalpharmacist.com.

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